On February 22-23, 2013, Nathan Olson traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia to participate in the Virginia Trial Lawyer Association’s Advance Family Law Retreat titled “Taxation and Representation: Navigating Complex Tax Issues.” This two-day CLE seminar covered topics such as a primer on individual and business tax returns, tax implications related to support, and tax issues related to income determinations. The seminar concluded with a presentation by Brian H. Jones, Esquire (Barnes & Diehl, P.C.) and Robert R. Raymond, CPA (Robert R. Raymond & Associates, LLP) on how to present a complex tax and family law case to a judge.
The seminar also included several round table discussions with the CPAs, attorneys, and judges present. The judges in attendance were the Honorable Michael F. Devine of the Fairfax County Circuit Court, the Honorable Catherine C. Hammond of the Henrico County Circuit Court, and the Honorable Stephen C. Mahan of the Virginia Beach Circuit Court.
Tax issues arise so frequently in family law cases that every family law attorney would benefit from a seminar on these topics. These issues are often complex, even for the most experienced attorney. Several of the judges commented that they too get confused by complex tax issues and that they depend on the attorneys (and/or experts) to boil down the complex issues into concise and easy understand concepts. Seminars such as this one provide a good foundation to help attorneys do so.