
Divorce Support Circle: Rebuilding Trust

At some point in the divorce process, nearly every client experiences feelings of hurt and disappointment.

In this month’s Divorce Support Circle, clients expressed feeling betrayed and spoke about how difficult it is to trust again. Their hearts have been bruised and scarred.

It is common for individuals who have been hurt by divorce to block off their loving side and develop a tough exterior. They want to avoid being hurt ever again.

However, heartbreak is a learning experience, and not a final destination.

Rebuilding Trust After or During a Divorce

In exploring ways to rebuild trust, clients concentrated on two aspects:

(1) learning to trust their own instincts and (2) learning how to trust others again.

Clients were taught how to use the Window-Wall strategy. With this strategy, an individual identifies red flag behaviors in others (such as lying and/or not being as forthcoming with information) and keeps those client’s deeper side.

Clients were also resourced with a list of behaviors that they can ask for from their next partner to help build their trust, and they were given a motivational bracelet as a reminder that they WILL get through this tough phase.

The support circle ended with a motivational video, which can be found below.

The Divorce Support Circle is held once per month and is facilitated by the firm’s psychologist/divorce coach, Dr. Leah Nathan.